UU Debate History Scavenger Hunt

Post of photo of the whole posse with your posse symbol and the items listed below in the special GroupMe channel with the correct title for the points listed! (+2 bonus point for at least one item only one posse gets)

"We found Ye Olde Awardes"

A 2011 Protagorus Cup 1 Point

"We can Memento Mori"

A tournament trophy shaped like a skull 1 Point

"We know tournaments can get weird"

A tournament trophy shaped like a guitar... because it is a guitar. 1 Point

"We know tournaments can get very weird"

A tournament trophy shaped like a wrestling belt... because it is a wrestling belt. 1 Point

"We remember the first time"

A 2013-2014 Founders Award Plate 1 Point

"We get over stagefright"

On a raised stage. 1 point

"We work smarter, not harder"

In an elevator. 1 point

"We will bear down for orientation"

A tournament trophy shaped like a bear. An extra point if it's from last year. 1+ Point

"We know where to sit"

Sitting (with a white board and tables) as a properly organized Team IPDA round. 1 points

"We visit old haunts"

Inside the former office of two debate coaches. 1 points

"We are well read"

Pulling on the closed door of the library. 2 Points

"We appreciate nature"

With a particularly pretty tree. 1 point

"We know the deep lore"

A 2014 UU pro speaker of the year award. 2 points

"We know the origin story"

A plaque with the name of Union's first coach. 2 points

"We know what time it is"

At least part of the bell tower. 2 points

"We are ready to travel"

Either coach's parked car. 2 points

We prioritize safety

With at least one person wearing a helmet. 2 points

You have until 8:15 pm